Close-up of small gray and yellow bird caught for banding

    Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory

    我们是东岸唯一运作的主要候鸟绑带站 of Maryland. Located on the upper eastern shore 3 miles northeast of Chestertown, MD, we are in a rural area. The habitats at the station include fallow fields, hedgerows, 早期演替灌木/灌丛,次生林,成熟林地和 open water and mud flats of Foreman’s Branch.

    What’s in a name?

    FBBO得名于当地流入切斯特河的一条支流. 福尔曼分支平行于带区流动,其源头位于附近 5 miles to the south. Its waters provide refuge to thousands of migrating and wintering 是鸭和鹅的重要中途停留栖息地,也是水鸟的繁殖地 area for Wood Ducks.


    More about FBBO



    Banding Data

    自1998年成立以来,福尔曼分支鸟类天文台已经观测到300多只 of its birds subsequently encountered after their initial banding; as far north as Newfoundland and a far south as Ecuador! Encounters occur either through trapping 通过另一次绑带手术,或者最常见的是,从一根绑带中恢复一只活鸟 dead bird. If you happen to find a bird with a band on it, be sure to report it to Report Band at the link below.

    Recovery Maps, Banding Data, & Migration Timing  


    Student Opportunities

    在FBBO,我们提供带薪实习,志愿者机会,奖学金 Center for Environment & Society, and an annual summer conference. 

    Student Opportunities


    Research & Monitoring

    我们的主要研究集中在监测候鸟的季节性运动 move between their breeding and wintering areas twice a year. By placing uniquely 鸟类身上的铝带编号我们可以监测种群水平并记录 migratory pathways. We also monitor productivity of local breeding birds through our banding efforts. Data from the spring and fall monitoring programs has been used to chart the timing of migration of many species of songbirds moving through the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Visit 有关我们的研究和监测项目的更多信息,请点击以下链接. 


    在长期志愿者比尔·斯奈德的带领下,FBBO已经给161只小鱼鹰戴上了绑带 1998. 鱼鹰通常在电线杆顶上的平台上筑巢 not far from water. During early summer we monitor Osprey platforms for nesting activity and return in June and July to band the recently hatched nestlings.

    尽管给相对较少数量的鱼鹰戴上了绷带,但我们已经恢复了三次. 2002年7月,人们在距离特立尼达FBBO约2100英里的地方发现了一只被绑带的雏鸟 in November later that same year. Our second recovery was of a nestling banded in July of 2008 that was found in Ecuador in November of 2008. Ecuador is approximately 2,700 miles away from FBBO. Lastly, a nestling banded in June 2018 was found dead in November 2018 in Sahagun, Colombia, 2,091 miles from FBBO.

    在河流和田野校园的鱼鹰手环为志愿者提供了一个很好的方式 interact with these icons of the Chesapeake Bay region. The data collected from banding 鱼鹰帮助我们确定它们在迁徙过程中会走多远,可能会去哪里 winter. 它也提供了一个机会来确定有多少幼鱼鹰孵化 eventually fledge from the nest platforms on the farm.

    There are over 100 bluebird boxes in different areas of Chino Farms. The original 这些盒子的目的是监测农业副产品可能产生的影响 on cavity nesting birds. While that aspect of the project concluded years ago, we still check the boxes during the breeding season.

    虽然盒子主要是为东部蓝鸟建造的,各种各样的鸟 使用它们——树燕、山雀、卡罗莱纳山雀、鹪鹩和大雁 Crested Flycatchers have all nested in the boxes. These boxes provide nest sites for 洞穴筑巢的鸟类经常被侵略性的非本地鸟类,如 as European Starlings and House Sparrows. The combination of box size specifications 频繁的监测可以让本地鸟类避开竞争对手.

    东部蓝鸟箱路线提供了一个研究繁殖物候的机会 such as dates of nest building, egg laying, hatching, and fledging. In addition, maintaining 巢箱帮助为东部蓝知更鸟提供了筑巢的栖息地,这是一个曾经衰落的标志 of open habitats throughout the East. To find out more information about Bluebird boxes visit the North American Bluebird Society. To see detailed summaries of nest box usage check out the FBBO Annual Reports below.

    在2007年秋天,我们了解到北方锯磨猫头鹰的入侵预计在 eastern United States. An irruption is a periodic movement of a species, generally due to food supplies or habitat availability. In years with great breeding success, 有太多的锯鳐无法依靠北部和南部的资源生存 所以大量的猫头鹰向南迁徙,寻找有充足猎物的地方 to spend the winter. A little research led us to Project Owlnet, a network of North American owl banders focusing on Saw-whet Owls. From this group we learned the protocols used to monitor Saw-whet migration.

    在10月下旬和11月的晚上,有少量的网在运行,我们玩 a standardized audio lure to attract owls. During Saw-whet Owl banding we have captured 东方尖声猫头鹰,我们听说过(但还没有抓到)横斑猫头鹰和大猫头鹰 Horned Owls in the woods. Owl feathers contain a pigment called porphyrin which glows in ultraviolet light. This pigment fades over time so the brightness of the pink glow can be used to age feathers and the bird, with pinkest being newest. The owl shown has a mix of young and old feathers.

    我们的北方锯磨带项目为整个大陆的研究提供了数据 owl migration and distribution. These data can be pooled to help monitor population trends across North America.

    你可以通过查看这个网站来追踪每年秋天被捆绑的锯磨猫头鹰的数量 recent banding data.

    -鸟类是否会传播蜱虫:我们从有蜱虫的鸟类身上收集蜱虫并发送 them to researchers at Old Dominion University.  They are identifying them to see if ticks are expanding their ranges by travelling on migrating birds.

    FBBO Publications

    Cabrera-Cruz, SA, RP Larkin, ME Gimpel, JG Gruber, JJ Buler. 2021. Do ground-based, downward-facing artificial lights affect the flight behavior of nocturnally migrating birds? Integrative and Comparative Biology 61, E106-E107.

    Small, D. M. and C. R. Long. 2019. Near Catastrophe to Recovery: A Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Success Story in Maryland. Maryland Birdlife 68: 23-37.

    Carr, J. Gimpel, M. E. and D. M. Small. 2019. Patterns of Provisioning in Known-Aged Spizella pusilla (Field Sparrow): A Multi-Year Study. Northeastern Naturalist 26: 484-498.

    Brinkerhoff, R.J., L. Dang, H.M. Streby, and M.E. Gimpel. 2018. Life history characteristics of birds influence patterns of tick parasitism. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology, 9:1, 1547096, DOI: 10.1080/20008686.2018.1547096.

    Danner, J. E., D. M. Small, T. B. Ryder, B. Lohr, B. S. Masters, D. E. Gill, and R. C. Fleisher. 2018. Temporal patterns of extra-pair paternity in a population of Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) in Maryland. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130(1): 40-51.

    Small, D. M. 2017. Winter site fidelity and over-wintering site persistence of a Northern Shrike, Lanius borealis, in Maryland. Maryland Birdlife 66(2): 9-19.

    Gimpel, M. E. and J. M. Carr.  2017. First known case of a passerine presumably returning a dead chick to the nest. Maryland Birdlife 66(2): 29-35. PDF.

    Soha, J., A. Nelson, D.A. Nelson, and B. Lohr. 2016. Non-salient geographic variation in birdsong in a species that learns by improvisation. Ethology 122: 343-353.

    Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel and J. Gruber. 2015. Preformative molt in Indigo Buntings north of the wintering grounds.  North American Bird Bander 40(2): 67-69.

    Small, D. M., P. J. Blank and B. Lohr. 2015. Habitat use and movement patterns by 依赖和独立的幼年蚱蜢麻雀在羽化后的时期. Journal of Field Ornithology 86(1): 17-26. 

    Gimpel, M. E., D. M. Small and J. G. Gruber.  2014.  Winter site fidelity of six sparrow species in Maryland.  North American Bird Bander 39(2): 45-51.

    Florin, David A., R. J. Brinkerhoff, Holly Gaff, Ju Jiang, Richard G. Robbins, William Eickmeyer, James Butler, David Nielsen, Chelsea Wright, Alexis White, Maren E. Gimpel & Allen L. Richards. 2014. Additional U.S. collections of the Gulf Coast tick, Amblyomma maculatum (蜱螨目:伊蚊科),来自美国特拉华州,首次报道野外采集 来自马里兰州的成年标本,以及来自监测的关于这种蜱虫的数据 of migratory songbirds in Maryland. Systematic & Applied Acarology 19(3): 257–262. 

    Lohr, B., S. Ashby and S. M. Wakamiya.  2013.  The function of song types and song components in Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum).  Behaviour 150: 1085-1106.

    Anthony, T., D. E. Gill, D. M. Small, J. Parks, H. F. Sears. 2013. Post-fledging dispersal of Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) on a restored grassland in Maryland. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology: 125(2): 307-313.

    Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, J. G. Gruber.  2013.  Variation and Extent of Eccentric Pre-formative Wing Molt in Field Sparrows.  North American Bird Bander 38(2): 49-54.

    Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, D. E. Gill. 2012. Site Fidelity and Natal Philopatry in  Dickcissels. Northeastern Naturalist 19(1): 123-129

    Gimpel, M. E., D. M. Small, J. G. Gruber. 2010. Site Fidelity and a Longevity Record of Wintering Hermit Thrushes in Maryland. North American Bird Bander 35(2): 1-4

    Sherman, L. A. and K. R. Brye. 2009. Sequential Burning Effects on the Soil Chemistry 美国中大西洋沿岸平原草地恢复的研究. Ecological Restoration 27: 428-438.

    Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, J. Parks, J. B. Guerard, D. E. Gill. 2009. First Documented Cases of Polygyny in the Grasshopper Sparrow. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(4): 822-825.

    Soha, J. A., B. Lohr, and D. E. Gill. 2009. Song Development in the Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum. Animal Behaviour 77(6): 1479-1489.

    Small, D., J. Parks, J. Gruber, D. E. Gill. 2009. Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) longevity Record. North American Bird Bander 33(4): 186-187. 

    Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, J. Gruber. 2007. Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla) Longevity Record. North American Bird Bander 32(2): 78.

    Gill, D. E., P. Blank, J. Parks, J. B. Guerard, B. Lohr, E. Schwartzman, J. G. Gruber, G. Dodge, C. A. Rewa, and H. F. Sears. 2006. Plants and Breeding Bird Response on a Managed Conservation Reserve Program Grassland in Maryland. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34(4): 944-956. 

    Sherman, L. A., K. R. Brye, D. E. Gill, K. A. Koenig. 2005. Soil Chemistry as Affected 沿海平原草地恢复的首次规定燃烧. Soil Science 170(11): 913-927. 

    Dunn, Erica & Kardynal, Kevin & Covino, Kristen & Morris, Sara & Holberton, Rebecca & Hobson, Keith. (2023). Feather isotopes ( δ 2 H f ) and morphometrics reveal population-specific migration patterns of the Blackpoll Warbler ( Setophaga striata ). Avian Conservation and Ecology. 18. 10.5751/ACE-02539-180216. 

    Trevelline, B. K.Sprockett, D.DeLuca, W. V.Andreadis, C. R.Moeller, A. H., & Tonra, C. M. (2023). 肠道微生物群的趋同重塑与宿主的能量状况有关 over long-distance migrationFunctional Ecology3728402854

    Covino, K. M., S. R. Morris, M. Shieldcastle, and P. D. Taylor. 2020. Spring migration of Blackpoll Warblers across North America. Avian Conservation and Ecology 15(1):17. 


    Baltimore Backyards. 2024. WMAR-2 News. Foreman's Branch Bird Observatory. Interview with M. Gimpel.  Part 1. Part 2

    WHCP MidShore Midday. 2023. Interview with M. Gimpel of Foreman's Branch Bird Observatory.

    Mandelbaum, Ryan F. 2022. Why Did the Siskin Cross the Continent? Audubon News. 

    Woolever, Lydia. 2020. Into Thin Air. Baltimore Magazine . May Issue. 

    Clarke, Wendy Mitman. 2018. Twenty Years Young. Washington College Magazine. Summer Issue.

    Clarke, Wendy Mitman. 2018. If you grow it, they will come.  Washington College Magazine. Summer Issue.

    Small, M. Daniel. 2017. Wanted: Landowners on the Upper Shore to Help Reverse Northern Bobwhite Population Declines. Chestertown and Easton Spy.

    Clarke, Wendy Mitman. 2017. College Studies Sparrows at Chino Farms.  Washington College web page. 

    Pickering Creek Views Newsletter.  2017.  Teachers investigate human impacts by land and sea.

    Parson, Will.  December 1, 2016.  Restoration Spotlight: Chino Farms brings back the bobwhite quail. Chesapeake Bay Program.

    Smedinghoff, Joan, Leslie Boorhem-Stephenson and Will Parson. October 31, 2016.  恢复焦点:在农业和野生动物栖息地之间取得平衡. Chesapeake Bay Program, Chesapeake Bay News Blog.

    Smith, Stephanie & Will Parson.  May 31, 2016. The Early Banders Catch the Birds.  Chesapeake Bay Program, Chesapeake Bay News Blog.

    Heck, Peter. 2016. Rare Birds Visiting Kent. The Kent County News. January 28th.

    Scott, Jane. 2014. Bird Banding at Chino Farms.  The Queen Anne’s Chronicle. Vol 4, No. 5. 

    Clarke, Wendy Mitman.  2013.  A Bird in the Hand.  Washington College Magazine, Spring: 14-18.

    It’s A BioBlitz.  2013.  Washington College Magazine, Summer Issue: 11.

    恢复马里兰州东海岸的栖息地-采访道格拉斯·吉尔. BirdNote. Air date June 13, 2012.

    Understanding and Restoring Nature - With Douglas Gill. BirdNote. Air date June 11, 2012.

    Restoring Grasslands on Maryland’s Eastern Shore - Interview with Dr. Harry Sears. BirdNote. Air date June 7, 2011.

    Landskroener, M. C. Spring 2006. Saving our Grasses. Washington College Magazine. 

    Outdoors Maryland TV program, Episode 1705. February 2005. Documentary on Bird Ecology 在切斯特河野外研究中心,奇诺恢复草原的行为 Farms. F. Cevarich and F. Quang. D.E. Gill, H.F. Sears, and B. Lohr.

    U of MD Research Channel program. 2004. Documentary on Grasshopper Sparrow Research at the Chester River Field Research Center, Chino Farms. D.E. Gill and B. Lohr.

    Outdoors Maryland TV Program, Episode 1608.  “Humming in the Garden”2004.

    Gimpel, M. E. and D. M. Small. 2013. Bird Banding at the Chester River Field Research Station. Kent County Bird Club. Chestertown, MD.

    Small, D. M., P. J. Blank, B. Lohr. 2013. Post-fledging movement patterns and habitat use by hatch-year Grasshopper Sparrows. Maryland Ornithological Society Conference, Havre de Grace, MD.

    Small, D. M. 2013. Post-fledging movement patterns and habitat use by hatch-year Grasshopper Sparrows. Eastern Bird Banding Association Conference, Pikeville, TN

    Jung, K., M. Willard and B. Lohr.  2013.  Song patterning, organization, and output in the Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum). Wilson Ornithological Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

    Hussein, A., B. Lohr and B. Rolek. 2013.  Song Characteristics of the critically endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum floridanus).  Wilson Ornithological Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

    Muellerklein, O., P. Vutukur and B. Lohr.  2013.  Territoriality and spatial dynamics in Grasshopper Sparrows; a mathmatical model.  Wilson Ornithological Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

    Lohr, B.  2013.  The function of song components in the Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum). Wilson Ornithological Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

    Brinkerhoff, J.J., E.N. Lane, I. Wazir, M. Gimpel and H.M. Streby.  2013.  Life history characteristics of birds influence patterns of tick parasitism.  Wilson Ornithological Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

    Small, D. M.  2012.  Native Grassland Restoration at Chester River Field Research Station. Grassland Bird Symposium.  Virginia Working Landscapes, Front Royal VA.

    Laudick, L. and B. Lohr. 2009. 对蚱蜢麻雀筑巢发声的分析 savannarum). Department of Biological Sciences. Northern Kentucky University.

    Blank, P. J., J. R. Parks, G. P. Dively, and D. E. Gill. 2007. Mowing Of CREP Grass Buffers In Late Summer Or Fall Reduces Wintering Bird Habitat. Poster Presentation. Presented at: The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, The 野生动物学会马里兰州/特拉华州分会秋季会议,以及海洋-河口-环境会议 Sciences, University of Maryland, Annual Colloquium.

    Blank, P. J., G. Dively, J. Parks, and D. E. Gill. 2007. Bird Use of Herbaceous Filter Strips Bordering Crop Fields in Maryland. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. Kansas City, KN.

    Gill, D. E., J. Parks, J. B. Guerard, E. Miles, H. F. Sears. 2007. Successful Conversion of Row-Crop Fields into Wildlife-Rich Grasslands at the Chester River Field Research Center, MD. 4th Annual Science Meeting of the Chesapeake Marshlands NWR Complex.

    Blank, P. J. and D. E. Gill. 2006. 鸟类使用保护区加强计划(CREP)缓冲区边界 rowcrop fields in Maryland. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, MD.

    Wakamiya, S., S. Bruno, B. Lohr, and D. E. Gill. 2005. 东部蝗虫种群鸣叫的频谱和时间变化 sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum). Joint Meeting of the Association for Field Ornithology and Wilson Ornithological Society: Ithaca, NY.

    Blank, P. J. and D. E. Gill. 2005. 界定生境的范围及结构,以达致本地及区域的目标. 草原恢复工作坊:协助国家首都地区公园管理者. National Capitol Region Parks and Planning Commission. Manassas National Park, 23 March 2005.

    Gill, D. E. and P. J. Blank. 2005. Practice of Grassland Restoration in the Mid-Atlantic Region. 草原恢复工作坊:协助国家首都地区公园管理者. National Capitol Region Parks and Planning Commission. Manassas National Park, 23 March 2005.

    Blank, P. A. and D. E. Gill. 2004. 大西洋中部农田周围保护缓冲区的价值为 birds. Abstract and poster. Wildlife Habitat Council 16th Annual Symposium. November. Wildlife Habitat Council, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

    Lohr, B., R. J. Dooling, and D. E. Gill. 2004. 蚱蜢麻雀鸣叫变化与环境听觉掩蔽 (Ammodramus savannarum). Acoustical Society of America: New York, NY.

    Lohr. B., R. J. Dooling, and D. E. Gill. 2003. 蚱蜢麻雀(Ammodramus)的声音竞争和歌曲制作 savannarum). First International Conference on Acoustic Communication by Animals: College Park, MD.